BrandIdea was the Analytics Partner at the Economic Times Sales Strategy Summit, Goa, on 22-23 June 2017. The summit was targeted at senior-level Sales & Marketing professionals and a total of around 100 delegates attended with speakers like Harish Bijoor, Mahesh Moorthy, etc.
On the afternoon of 23rd June, as one of the speakers, Suresh Pillai made a presentation on “Granular Analytics – The Key to Sales Growth” in the course of which, key features of our BrandIdea Platform was showcased with emphasis on how granularity of the data and analytics gives powerful actionable insights to empower the Business Users. Not only does it show ‘Where to Win’, right down to a Store or Neighborhood level, but ‘How to Win’ these markets with Prescriptive Analytics and evaluate progress and course-correct with ‘Track the Win’. Post the presentation many delegates congratulated us on an outstanding App and were amazed by its depth & width.