Mr. Suresh Pillai was a guest speaker at the Economic Times Sales Strategy Summit, 21-22 June, Hotel Westin, Mumbai. He shared his views on “How Granular Analytics is a Game-Changer for Sales”
While showcasing the BrandIdea Platform, he focused on how Granular Analytics gives a huge Competitive Advantage to businesses. Not only does it help in superior segmentation, but the insights emerging from such an approach helps to prioritize resources across micro-markets. The resulting interventions are customized and intense at the micro-level – hence there is minimal wastage of marketing and sales effort, as against a macro-data-based top-down approach.
Also, since all marketing actions emanate at the micro-level, a granular approach captures change almost in real-time and its impact can be assessed and acted upon at ground level, resulting in a cascading positive effect on the macro market