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Research done worldwide on corporate growth reveals that top-performing companies in almost every industry (a) showed positive growth even when the industry de-grew as a whole and (b) did so by a fair margin, between 5 to 12%. What is startling is that performance efficiencies accounted for only 35% of their growth – 65% of their growth was accounted for by the very strategic choice of markets that they made. Clearly, they are doing something more robust in their approach to markets themselves than the lesser-performing companies.


It emerges that companies with an ‘averaged out’ view of their markets are increasingly missing out on growth opportunities. Macro-level market analysis is akin to painting all markets with a single brush stroke… completely obliterating all the heterogeneity that exists below.


This also leads to companies tending to bucket huge chunks of markets as high, medium or low-growing. It obscures hidden pockets of high potential in low-growth areas/segments, which need special resource allocation. A fine-grained view of markets – which entails benchmarking growth at a granular level – is the only way for meaningful resource allocation that checks the effect of all competitive market forces.


Granularity is especially relevant to India, where diversity abounds – consumption and consumer behavior varies significantly between neighborhoods in urban centers and between villages, due to our historically erratic economic planning. The BrandIdea Platform, therefore, takes an approach of celebrating such vast diversities by customizing actions with automated Discovery, Diagnostics, Predictions and Prescriptions.

BrandIdea Granular Analytics

All data is built from Bottom-up – mapped & geo-coded across all 6 lakh villages, 6000 sub-districts, 640 districts, 8000 towns & 100,000 Neighborhoods - so that aggregation to higher levels is far more accurate.

Plug & Play architecture

Data, features, best practices updated frequently – at no additional cost

Data Sources (from thousands of sources, with emphasis on records, rather than data) & are stitched together using proprietary modeling – our IP.​

Unlimited Users, Unlimited Data & Unlimited Customization

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