Premiumization Index
A powerful tool in this era of discerning choices, offers insights into the factors that define a geographies premium status.
Rural Progressive Index
Metric that have helped companies like yours to identify these non-covered high-potential Villages in India's Rural Blue Ocean.
PJP Optimization (Beat Plan)
Revisiting rural and semi-urban operations has been one pivotal measure to boost last-mile connectivity with end consumers.
Catch them in Transit
Highway Beats: Retail along transit corridors is not a new concept in our country and has existed in an unorganized format
Ideal Consumer Profiling
Get Insights on the complex
Indian consumer without having to manually manipulate hundreds of
GIGA Geometry
Accurate POI footprint data offers a clear picture of the boundary of a place and its proximity to perform precise analysis.
Data Science Concepts
Active learning, Agent-based modeling, ANOVA, Market Basket Analysis & 13 more Data Science Concepts
Pharma Cos.
New drug approvals are difficult. Approval for a new analytics platform can be as difficult.
Become a business analyst without stats, data science / computer science degree
A key tool for NBFC's in data-driven decision-making, provides insights into the challenges and opportunities in rural markets.