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FMCG - Features & Benefits

Derive the True Market Potential of your category

Category Consumption & Category Share - Title Slide

Category Consumption & Brand Share

User can prioritize Markets periodically, where he needs to invest – setting up Distribution, assessing Media to create Consumer Demand, etc.


Estimates Category Consumption and Brand Sales from Macro to Micro; so Users can estimate Category and Brand Shares at granular levels.

Correlation of any Mkt Potential Data (external) variables with Sales

Correlation of any Mkt Potential Data (external) variables with Sales

Opportunity for Specialists to conduct their own analysis inside BrandIdea, other than what the current Platform Menu offers.

Build Indices of External Data variables that correlate with Sales to understand the receptivity of Geographies.

Household (HH) Penetration Estimation

Household (HH) Penetration Estimation

Analyze the extent of penetration of your Brand / SKU / Portfolio, etc., and take steps to improve penetration.

Converts existing Rupee Sales into HH nos. to Estimate HH Penetration

Macro to Micro Markets

Macro to Micro Markets

Allows development of the Strategic Macro Perspective, to the Tactical Mid-level Challenges to the Operational Micro Initiatives.


All data can be seen seamlessly at a Macro Level, right down to the Granular Micro Market (Neighborhoods / Smallest Towns / Villages).

Size of Prize Estimation

Size of Prize Estimation

Choose where & how to play not just in Macro Markets, but critically in Micro Markets – for instance, go Direct Coverage in critical Markets & Indirect in lower-priority Markets.



Segmenting by various demographic, lifestyle, cultural

and economic variables - from Neighborhood / Locality/ Village upwards

White Space Assessment - Title Slide

White Space Assessment

Instant discovery of Unpenetrated or Low-penetrated areas & their relative importance for action.


All data is visualized relationally so that Prioritization is established.

Sales Exec Performance Tracking

Sales Exec Performance

As in natural selection, some markets will get greater attention at the cost of others. Critical to ensuring alignment of attention with the potential of Markets.


Identify, appraise and intervene based on Sales Exec’s verifiable performance.

Assess Shifting Rural Income

Shifting Rural Income (Monthly)

Optimize market investments in the 2-4 Harvest Months.


Monthly Rural Income transitions due to Crop Harvesting cycles.

Rural Progressive Index

Instant clustering of Villages, allowing prioritization not just at the village level but on all levels above.


Villages are indexed (Most Progressive, Progressive, Transition & Under-developed) by factoring 100s of external data variables in line with the Category.


Download the Rural Progressive Index Whitepaper NOW!

Media Discovery & Integration

Media Discovery & Integration

Best Return on Media Investment (ROMI) to better utilize Spends by discovering & analyzing long-tail vehicles.


Media Vehicle discovery and primary selection by integrating it with Sales.

Media Mix Modelling

Media Mix Modelling

Savings and better utilization of resources, due to Granular optimization.


Based on previous spending & returns, recommend Optimal Media Spends and resulting Sales accrual that would give you maximum returns.

Media Reach – Macro to Micro Markets

Media Reach – Macro to Micro Markets

Unlike conventional Planning that both evaluates & buys at Macro levels…
…you can evaluate Media Efficiency at Priority Micro Markets for better buying decisions at Macro levels.


All Media data & Spends can be seen seamlessly from the Macro level, attributed right down to the granular Micro Markets (Neighborhoods & Villages).

Digital Targeting Title Slide

Digital Targeting

Reduce spending in Digital Media & improve Targeting with far better Profiling at Granular Levels, than what Social Media allows.


Optimize Digital Marketing (AdWords, etc.) costs by localizing Targeting to Key Neighborhoods.

Marketing Mix Alignment Title Slide

Marketing Mix Alignment

Increase ROI & Efficiency at every geo-level and optimize between penetrated and un-penetrated markets.




  • Selected TG & Markets

  • Attributed Media Spends

  • TG Conversion by its Affinity to Sales

​Price Band Segmentation

Price Band Segmentation

Matching of the right Neighborhoods / Villages for the right SKUs.


Identifies & clusters Villages based on an aggregation of SKU Price Bands.

Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis

Apart from allowing Root-cause analysis due to granularization. our Platform helps in zeroing in on that single entity or set of entities in the Micro Mkt, where Corrective Action sometimes changes the character (negative to positive) of the Macro Mkt above.


Easily discover under-indexed Markets and drill down to split various variables until the root- cause is identified for corrective action.

​Ideal Markets Benchmarking

Ideal Markets Benchmarking

Analyze what the Ideal Markets do well & check if similar conditions exist in the Under-indexed Mkts or what lessons of the Ideal Markets can be exported to these Markets.


Identify Ideal Neighborhoods / Villages based on Propensity to Consume & Sales and create Clusters or indexes or benchmarks with others.

Value Proposition Benchmarking with Competitive Brands

Value Proposition Benchmarking with Competitive Brands

Understand your Brand’s current Value Offering & the evolutionary journey it needs to traverse, including vis-à-vis Competing Brands.


Brands Analysis on a Value Pyramid that stacks from Base Needs to highly evolved Needs.

Competitive Brands Benchmarking

Competitive Brands Benchmarking

Robust understanding and isolation of metrics of Competitive Brands, including Strengths & Vulnerabilities, Value Propositions, thereby generate Brand Switching opportunities using Demand-side & Supply-side weights.


Comparison of Brands on key parameters like Coverage, Pricing, Revenues, Media, etc.

Lifestyle Segmentation

Lifestyle Segmentation

Focus attention & investments on key segments, rather than aimlessly paint all Markets with a broad brush.

Discover & segment markets by SEC, HH Income, Asset Ownership, etc.

Out of Home Consumption Points (OOH-CP)

Out of Home Consumption Points (OOH-CP)

Better segmentation of Neighborhoods and critically, finer selection of OOH-CPs for BTL, Sampling, etc.

Selection of OOH-CPs by the profile of Consumers (SEC, Income, etc.) around any radius (Over 100 types - Coffee Shops, Malls, Saloons, Colleges, Schools, Med Clinics, etc.)

Retailer & Sales Plotting at  Neighborhood / Village level

Retailer & Sales Plotting at 
Neighborhood / Village level

Allows Neighborhood & Store-level interventions that are customized to each unique Neighborhood’s / Village’s Consumer Profile, Category Consumption & the Store in that Neighborhood / Village.

Understand the Neighborhood / Village dynamics where the Retailer is located.

Modern Trade Sales Re-allocation

Modern Trade Sales

Gives you a truer Category Share & Numeric Distribution % in the Neighborhoods for better prioritization.

Re-allocates Modern Trade Sales from Origin Neighborhood to Adjacent Neighborhoods & beyond by analyzing the availability of Competing Retailers, Category Share, Mod Trade share & Consumer Profiles.

Wholesale Sales Re-allocation

Wholesale Sales

Gives you a truer Category Share & Numeric Distribution % in the Neighborhoods / Villages for better prioritization.

Re-allocates Wholesale Sales from Origin Neighborhood / Village to Adjacent areas & beyond based on the Wholesaler's area of influence & availability of uncovered Retailers, Category Share & Consumer Profiles.

RtM Strategy - Expansion Plan

Get recommendations for appointing Hubs and Spokes to be covered to increase coverage.

A typical route-to-market strategy follows these steps & takes time to implement. 

A good indication of the entire implementation is normally 6-18 months.


BrandIdea can help you reduce this by half with our RtM / Infra recommendations.


Download the BrandIdea - Rtm Strategy - Infra Recommendations Whitepaper NOW!

Route / Beat (PJP) Optimization

Given the tyranny of distances in Cities, large Towns & Villages, more efficient routing will increase Daily Coverage, leading to Faster Replenishment & Reduce Costs.

Optimize Routes based on Proximity to Distributor Hub and Product-Retailer- Neighborhood / Village profiling.


Download the Beat Plan (PFP) Optimization Whitepaper NOW!

Direct vs Indirect Distribution

Direct vs Indirect Distribution

Recommends the best option at every level to optimize between Direct or Indirect Coverage. Lowered costs, better efficiencies, higher growth.

Our algorithm examines all competing variables of Direct Retailers vs Wholesalers, including Costs, Proximity, Neighborhood / Village importance, Weighted Distribution, etc.

Uncovered FMCG Retailers

Uncovered FMCG Retailers

Generate Uncovered Outlets by Geo-Code so that Sales force can be directed to the precise location, in the priority Neighborhoods.

Details of Retailers in the City, with their addresses, geo-codes, ranking based on estimated FMCG revenue for every Neighborhood.

​Uncovered Retailers but covered by Category or Sub-category

Uncovered Retailers but covered by Category or Sub-category

The lowest hanging fruits can be easily corrected by the visiting Distributor Salesman, provided he’ is alerted.

Uncovered Outlets are not covered by Product or Brand under review but covered by Category or Sub-category.

Market Prioritization - Profiling HHs around existing Retailers

Market Prioritization - Profiling HHs around existing Retailers

Rural is a vast ocean, critical to prioritize to get the best returns – starting with small wins of the low-hanging fruits to the higher-effort tasks.


Prioritize markets based on hundreds of Data Variables, including Village Infrastructure & Amenities.

Market Prioritization - Profiling HHs & Potential around Uncovered Retailers

Market Prioritization - Profiling HHs & Potential around Uncovered Retailers


  1. Prioritize the adoption of the Uncovered Outlets based on the potential of its location.

  2. Optimize between Direct & Indirect coverage to eventually convert Indirect to Direct.


Draw radius around any Uncovered Retailer and evaluate
HH Profile, HHs covered & Category Consumption within the Radius.

Trend Discovery & Exploitation

Helps in not just keeping the brand current, but ensuring that the Brand meets changing consumer Aspirations, and addresses macro concerns.

Compilation of all relevant Trends and Scenario Planning & Outcomes of selected Trends.

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